Resin, foam, cardboard, 2022
up to 55H inches, size variable between three objects

resin, paper mache, acrylic, dental teeth, 2024
5W x 3.5H x 3.5D inches

resin, paper mache, resin, colored sand
23.5W x 16H x 15.25D

resin, colored sand, paper mache, plaster, metal, 2023
36W x 14.5H x 15.5D inches

colored sand, resin, paper mache, plaster, 2023
33W X 25.5H x 17D inches

resin, colored sand, plaster, metal, paper, 2023
19.5W x 18H x 15D inches

resin, colored sand, plaster, foam, 2023
18.5W x 19.5H x 11D inches

epoxy, resin, plaster, foam, cardboard, 2022
18.5W x 19.5H x 17D inches

resin, colored sand, plaster, paper mache, foam, metal, 2023
18W x 24H x 14D inches

resin, bronze dust, 2024
5W X 3.75H x 2.75D inches

resin, bronze dust, 2024
four pieces ranging from 1.5H x 1.5W x 1D inches to 1.75W x 1.75H x 1.75D inches
as arranged: 4.25W x 1.5H x 10D inches

resin, bronze powder, 2024
(left) 1.25W x 2.25H x 1.75D inches
(right) 1.75W x 2.25H x 1.25D inches

resin, bronze dust 2024
2W x 2.5H x 2.25D inches

resin, bronze powder, 2024
2.5W x 1H x 3.25D inches

resin, bronze dust
1.75H x 1.25W x 2D inches

Epoxy, resin, foam, cardboard, 2021
29W x 11H x 15D inches

resin, colored sand, plaster, metal, 2023
11.5W x 13.5H x 5D inches

resin, colored sand, plaster, metal, paper, 2023
14W x 25H x 8.5D inches

Resin, foam, sand
13W x 19H x 12.25D

Resin, wood, foam, 2021
18W x 18H x 2.5D inches

Resin, cardboard, string, 2021
14.5W x 24.5H x 11.5D inches

Resin, cardboard, 2021
14W x 26H x 10D inches

resin, sand, 2019
13.25W x 13.5H x 12D

Resin, plaster, foam, cardboard, 2021
12W x 30H x 12D inches

sand, resin, 2020
16Wx 21H x 11D inches

resin, panel, 2021
14.5H x 14.5W x 2.5D inches

Resin, panel, 19w x 19h x 3.5d inches

resin, sand, enamel, 2018
11.5W x 21H x 23D inches

Resin, sand, 6.5w x 14.75h x 6.5d inches

Resin, 13.5w x 16h x 12.5d inches

Sand, resin, 8w x 23.75h x 7d inches

Resin, sand, foam, enamel, 7w x 20h x 8d inches

Resin, 27w x 21h x 15d inches

Resin, cardboard, sand, 13.5w x 27.5h x 12d inches

Resin, foam, sand, steel

Resin, sand, steel, 8.25w x 16h x 8.25d inches

Resin, sand, enamel, steel, 12w x 14.5h x 13.25d inches

Resin, sand, wood frame, 30.25w x 30.25h x 3d inches

Resin, sand, panel, 15w x 15h x 2.5d inches

Resin, sand, panel, 15w x 15h x 2.5d inches

Resin, sand, panel, 30w x 30d x 3.5d inches

Resin, filament, as installed at Linda Warren Projects: 96h x 144w x 8d inches

Resin, steel pins, installed at Boston University, 180w x 186h x 4d inches

Resin, 16w x 15h x 16d inches

Resin, 12h x 12w x 12d inches (roundish grass)

Resin, 56w x 7h x 12d inches

Resin, twine, 19.5w x 12h x 27d inches

Resin, steel pins, twine, 15w x 9.5h x 28.5d inches

Resin, steel pins, twine, 19.5w x 12h x 27d inches

Resin, steel pins, twine, 15.5w x 9h x 27d inches

Resin, steel pins, twine, 15.5w x 9h x 26d inches

Cast resin, steel, 20w x 26.5h x 19d inches

Resin, steel, installed at University of Arkansas, each object approximately 36w x 36h x 34d inches

Resin, foam, steel, installed at University of Arkansas, 36w x 36h x 34d inches

Resin, foam, steel, installed at University of Arkansas, 36w x 36h x 34d inches

Resin, enamel, 20.5w x 19.5h x 19d inches

Resin, 13w x 15h x 13d inches

Resin, steel, 30w x 16h x 22d inches

Resin, steel, 20w x 26h x 16d inches

Resin, 20w x 21h x 13d inches

Resin, steel, 10.5w x 20h x 13d inches

Resin, 26.5w x 19h x 25d inches

Resin, steel, 16w x 15h x 16d inches

Resin, steel, 15w x 20h x 12d inches

Resin, 12w x 10h x 10d inches

resin, wood panel
20H x 20W x 4D

resin, wood panel
20H x 20W x 4D inches

resin, panel
20W x 20H x 4D inches, 2024

resin, panel
20W x 20H x 4D inches, 2024

resin, panel
30W x 40H x 6D inches, 2024

resin, diamond dust, panel
36W x 36H x 4D inches, 2024

Resin, foam, cardboard, 2022
up to 55H inches, size variable between three objects
resin, paper mache, acrylic, dental teeth, 2024
5W x 3.5H x 3.5D inches
resin, paper mache, resin, colored sand
23.5W x 16H x 15.25D
resin, colored sand, paper mache, plaster, metal, 2023
36W x 14.5H x 15.5D inches
colored sand, resin, paper mache, plaster, 2023
33W X 25.5H x 17D inches
resin, colored sand, plaster, metal, paper, 2023
19.5W x 18H x 15D inches
resin, colored sand, plaster, foam, 2023
18.5W x 19.5H x 11D inches
epoxy, resin, plaster, foam, cardboard, 2022
18.5W x 19.5H x 17D inches
resin, colored sand, plaster, paper mache, foam, metal, 2023
18W x 24H x 14D inches
resin, bronze dust, 2024
5W X 3.75H x 2.75D inches
resin, bronze dust, 2024
four pieces ranging from 1.5H x 1.5W x 1D inches to 1.75W x 1.75H x 1.75D inches
as arranged: 4.25W x 1.5H x 10D inches
resin, bronze powder, 2024
(left) 1.25W x 2.25H x 1.75D inches
(right) 1.75W x 2.25H x 1.25D inches
resin, bronze dust 2024
2W x 2.5H x 2.25D inches
resin, bronze powder, 2024
2.5W x 1H x 3.25D inches
resin, bronze dust
1.75H x 1.25W x 2D inches
Epoxy, resin, foam, cardboard, 2021
29W x 11H x 15D inches
resin, colored sand, plaster, metal, 2023
11.5W x 13.5H x 5D inches
resin, colored sand, plaster, metal, paper, 2023
14W x 25H x 8.5D inches
Resin, foam, sand
13W x 19H x 12.25D
Resin, wood, foam, 2021
18W x 18H x 2.5D inches
Resin, cardboard, string, 2021
14.5W x 24.5H x 11.5D inches
Resin, cardboard, 2021
14W x 26H x 10D inches
resin, sand, 2019
13.25W x 13.5H x 12D
Resin, plaster, foam, cardboard, 2021
12W x 30H x 12D inches
sand, resin, 2020
16Wx 21H x 11D inches
resin, panel, 2021
14.5H x 14.5W x 2.5D inches
Resin, panel, 19w x 19h x 3.5d inches
resin, sand, enamel, 2018
11.5W x 21H x 23D inches
Resin, sand, 6.5w x 14.75h x 6.5d inches
Resin, 13.5w x 16h x 12.5d inches
Sand, resin, 8w x 23.75h x 7d inches
Resin, sand, foam, enamel, 7w x 20h x 8d inches
Resin, 27w x 21h x 15d inches
Resin, cardboard, sand, 13.5w x 27.5h x 12d inches
Resin, foam, sand, steel
Resin, sand, steel, 8.25w x 16h x 8.25d inches
Resin, sand, enamel, steel, 12w x 14.5h x 13.25d inches
Resin, sand, wood frame, 30.25w x 30.25h x 3d inches
Resin, sand, panel, 15w x 15h x 2.5d inches
Resin, sand, panel, 15w x 15h x 2.5d inches
Resin, sand, panel, 30w x 30d x 3.5d inches
Resin, filament, as installed at Linda Warren Projects: 96h x 144w x 8d inches
Resin, steel pins, installed at Boston University, 180w x 186h x 4d inches
Resin, 16w x 15h x 16d inches
Resin, 12h x 12w x 12d inches (roundish grass)
Resin, 56w x 7h x 12d inches
Resin, twine, 19.5w x 12h x 27d inches
Resin, steel pins, twine, 15w x 9.5h x 28.5d inches
Resin, steel pins, twine, 19.5w x 12h x 27d inches
Resin, steel pins, twine, 15.5w x 9h x 27d inches
Resin, steel pins, twine, 15.5w x 9h x 26d inches
Cast resin, steel, 20w x 26.5h x 19d inches
Resin, steel, installed at University of Arkansas, each object approximately 36w x 36h x 34d inches
Resin, foam, steel, installed at University of Arkansas, 36w x 36h x 34d inches
Resin, foam, steel, installed at University of Arkansas, 36w x 36h x 34d inches
Resin, enamel, 20.5w x 19.5h x 19d inches
Resin, 13w x 15h x 13d inches
Resin, steel, 30w x 16h x 22d inches
Resin, steel, 20w x 26h x 16d inches
Resin, 20w x 21h x 13d inches
Resin, steel, 10.5w x 20h x 13d inches
Resin, 26.5w x 19h x 25d inches
Resin, steel, 16w x 15h x 16d inches
Resin, steel, 15w x 20h x 12d inches
Resin, 12w x 10h x 10d inches
resin, wood panel
20H x 20W x 4D
resin, wood panel
20H x 20W x 4D inches
resin, panel
20W x 20H x 4D inches, 2024
resin, panel
20W x 20H x 4D inches, 2024
resin, panel
30W x 40H x 6D inches, 2024
resin, diamond dust, panel
36W x 36H x 4D inches, 2024